OZEKI SMS - TCP Push Plugin


When an incoming message arrives, it is automatically transmitted to another computer via a TCP/IP link. The destination port and IP address can be selected dynamically, based on the sender phone number or the content of the message. A message can be sent to more than one destination.


Step 1 - Download the plugin from the following link: TcpPush.exe

Step 2 - Install the plugin by executing the TcpPush.exe file

Step 3 - Start Ozeki SMS and set up the rules for tcp forwarding

To set up the forwarding rules select TCP Push Configuration from the Plugins menu.

how to configure tcp in ozeki sms
Figure 1 - TCP configuration

On the TCP push preferences form you can specify one or more forwarding rules. If more than one forwarding rule is defined, each rule must be separated by an empty line. Comments can be added by placing a # at the beginning of the line. All rules are applied at each incoming message.

tcp push preferences in ozeki sms
Figure 2 - TCP push preferences

A few words about the rules:

Each rule consists of at least two lines. The first line defines a condition while the second line defines a destination address. If the incoming SMS matches the condition it is forwarded then to the destination address.

The condition always starts with the letter 'n' or the letter 'm'. 'n' stands for number, and 'm' for message. The first letter is followed by a regular expression. If we want to set up a rule to match the sender phonenumber, we must start our condition with letter 'n', and then we should enter the phone number. If we want to forward an SMS messages with a specific content to a certain address, the condition must start with the letter 'm' and a matching expression should follow it. You can read more about regular expressions at the following location:


After the forwarding rules are defined, you can start the server by clicking on the start button.


Ozeki has developed a TCP listener application which is available free of charge. It is useful for testing purposes. You can specify a port and you can monitor the incoming traffic. The TCP listener application can be downloaded from the following location:



Any questions and comments are welcome at the following e-mail address: sms@ozeki.hu

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