Add a plus sign in front of every number

The following rule will add a plus sign to every phone number that does not start with a plus sign.

Route 1. - 971 prefix to a +971 prefix

This rule will add a plus sign in front of any number.

Change this: 97466781661
To this: +97466781661
Change this: 9711111111
To this: +9711111111
Match condition:

The above codition can be broken down like this:
start the matching: ^
anthing that does not start with a plus sign: [^+]
anthing can come after this: .*
end the matching: $


The above codition can be broken down like this:
change this: ^(.*)$
to this: +$1

The route properties are:

Route name: Route 1
From: Any_SMS_User@localhost
To: SMPP_client_1@localhost
Mode: Move
Match To address: /^[^+].*$/
Modify To address: /^(.*)$/+$1/

The above table contains the settings you need to apply

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